Hypnotherapy sheffield, U408

Sheffield Hypnotherapy
My training is validated by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council Member of the  General Hypnotherapy Register
I can also provide video sessions by FaceTime and Skype
to any new or existing clients who request it.

'Going to see Garry was the best decision I've ever made.' - Lucy C

'I am now finally experiencing life as it should be...

...and that is all down to you. You have changed my life.' - Hayley

'I have not suffered any anxiety or panic attacks since completing treatment.'...

...and 1yr after: 'total cure' - Megan

'I truly believe you have saved my life. And for that i am forever grateful!' - P.L.

''Garry, showed excellent professionalism and skill.' - Marcus

'Your therapy has greatly improved my life, for which I am very grateful.' - Tom

1yr after: 'Still great, no sign of anxiety.' - I.M.

'I would definatley recommend Garry' - Lucy F

'Thank you Garry most sincerely for all you have done for me' - Nige

'I went to see Garry as a last hope really and it was amazing...

...I am back to being my old self and feel great!' - Kelly

''In my darkest hours when it would have been so easy to give up,...

'... Garry held up a light that kept me going.' - M.M.

'I would have no hesitation in recommending Garry's services...

...A truly great therapist' - Fletch

'I would recommend Garry to anyone looking to have hypnotherapy' - Phil

Facetime and Skype sessions available on request

Garry Dunmore
BSc, HPD, DipH, DipNLP
GQHP, CertPT...
(Highly Experienced)
...free advice gladly given
...just call or me
07719 833 814

*Results, symptoms and treatment may vary from person to person, all individual cases are taken on merit.

hypnotherapy sheffield

sheffield hypnosis

Sheffield Hypnotherapy for anxiety, panic attacks, phobia, fear, stress, IBS, weight control, performance, relaxation & tests, confidence & smoking, psychosomatic disorders, eating disorders, public speaking, habits, addictions, misuse, sleep problems, infertility, pregnancy issues, obsessions and compulsions, depression, pain, headaches, analgesia, anaesthesia, abuse, Trauma, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), Grief, loss, seperation...

*Required disclaimer: Results, symptoms and treatment may vary from person to person, all individual cases are taken on merit.

sheffield hypnosis

What does hypno-therapy help with?
The more behavioual or psychological your issue is the more successfully hypnotherapy can usually treat it. When you consider the effects of stress on the body, immune system etc, there are many medical conditions which have a psychological element to them ... ulcers, ecema, etc, See full list.

-How long will a session take?
All sessions are one hour long. Occaissionally a double session may be needed. This would be planned between us in advance.

-Can I try it out before I buy?
Yes. After a half hour in the first session you can leave, paying nothing, if you decide hypnotherapy is not for you.

-How many sessions will it take?
This varies but I generally see some improvement after the first session involving hypnosis. The hypnotherapeutic process differs for everyone. No two people have the same day dreams, let alone the same mind, or the same susceptibility to hypnotic suggestion, same motivation, exactly the same symptoms, severity and root causes. As a basic guide, most issues can usually be successfully treated within 2-6 sessions (which is fast compared to the 10-20 sessions required for similar results in other psychotherapy treatments) but a very deep rooted or complex problem e.g, depression or OCD, may result in more sessions.

-Where is your hypnotherapy practice based?
My Sheffield hypnotherapy practice is in S6 Walkley, between Crookes and Hillsboro, in eaasy reach of Crosspool, Fulwood, Broomhill, Lodge Moor, Crookesmoor..

-What is a hypnotic trance? Is it safe?
Trance is a very natural state and over the course of a normal day it occurs many times in all of us (watching a film, working on 'autopilot', reading, driving... to name but a few instances). Hypnosis is simply another person guiding you into this kind of 'trance' state - so it's as safe as reading a book(!), as the hypnotherapist has your best interests at heart. Unlike with stage hypnotism, a fully registered and qualified hypnotherapist does. In this relaxed, focused state you will be more open to the helpful suggestions that the hypnotist makes. You might feel a tingling or heaviness usually in your feet or hands and will feel very relaxed when you 'wake' out of the trance. You cannot get 'stuck' in a trance and there are no side effects. You will be in the same 'state' when you leave as when you arrived and fine to drive etc,.

-Can everyone be hypnotised?
Anyone over the age of 5 who is willing, and is able to relax, can be hypnotised! (except people with certain neurological conditions or particular learning difficulties)

-Will it work?
There are no gaurantees. Hypnotherapy can help with all problems detailed on this site, most of the time for most people.

-What do you charge?
£100 per hour. Payable at the session. Smoking cessation is £300 for a double session with a free follow up session.

-How do I pay?
By cheque or cash, after the session please.

-Is treatment confidential?
Totally! Registered Hypnotherapists are bound by the same confidentiality agreements and ethical codes as doctors and other registered therapists.

-Can I bring someone?
If you wish. They can either sit in on the session or in the car. Having someone you know in the therapy room can sometimes be off-putting for you, especially if you are searching for inner problems you might not want them to overhear. You can also have an audio or video recording of the session.

-What is the therapeutic process?
In short.. firstly getting to know you, your problems and your goals. Then setting about creating the changes you need.
The first session is almost always dedicated to getting the clearest picture of what your issues are and what they mean to you. This is not a case of everyone taking the same pill for a headache. Everyone has a unique combination of problems, expression of symptoms, and root causes to their issues. Furthermore every person views each of these in their own way. For me to work effectively with you I need to understand as best as possible where you are at now, how you view that, where you want to be, and the best way of getting you there.
The route to success may be anything from straightforward to long and complex but generally involves inducing change within parts of you that you don't feel in control of. Your subconscious stores all your preconceived notions, habits, reactions, and long formulated patterns of behaviour. Changing these via the conscious mind can be nigh on impossible by yourself and can take a great many sessions in regular therapy. Hypnotherapy involves 'talking' directly with the unconscious mind and this is the strength of its approach. The main 'skill' of my approach however is in understanding what we need to say to it to encourage it to change in the ways you'd like! Once we know exactly what we are needing to change, undesired behaviours that have embedded themselves deep in your unconscious over many years can be reversed or replaced very quickly.

-Are you qualified?
I am fully qualified:
DipH (Diploma in Hypnotherapy),
HPD (Hypnotherapy Practitioners Diploma),
DipNLP (Diploma in NLP),
CertPT (Certificate in Parts Therapy),
CertEMDR (Certificate in Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing)
Certificate in Pain Management,
CertDE (Certificate in Discursive Empowerment),
GHSQ (General Hypnotherapy Standards Qualification),
First class honours degree (BSc) from Sheffield University;

Are you registered?
Yes I am fully registered:
GHR - I am a registered Member of the General Hypnotherapy Register as overseen by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council - GHSC.

-What is your therapy style?
Warm, Intelligent, Sensible. No eye staring or gimmicks like watch swinging!

-Can you help me without hypnosis?
Yes I can utilise many other therapeutic techniques. Hypnosis is an excellent tool for delivering therapy but my effectiveness comes as much from my empathetic approach and my training in other areas of psychotherapy. I am trained in NLP (Neuro lingual programming), EMDR, and Discursive Empowerment, and also use techniques from the following therapies: CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), Timeline therapy, EFT (emotional freedom technique), client-centered therapy, coaching & goal orientated therapy, solution-focused therapy, New Code NLP, psychodynamic, Gestalt therapy, REBT (rational emotional behavioural therapy)




sheffield hypnotherapy

Conditions that may be treatable with hypnotherapy:
Where there is a mental component to your issue hypnotherapy can potentially remove the root cause and symptoms (e.g., Anxiety, IBS, smoking). Where the condition below is purely physiological hypnotherapy can help you cope with the symptoms (e.g., cancer, tinnitus)

Business failure
Child behavioural problems
Chronic Fatigue / ME
Control shopping, spending
Divorce Issues
Driving Issues
Drug addictions
Eating disorders and issues
Energy Levels
Exams and tests
Executive stress
Family problems
Fear of failure
Frustration Issues
Gagging, heaving
Grief, loss & separation
Guilt Issues
Habits and Compulsions
Hair pulling
Headaches, migraine, cluster headaches
Healing (faster healing processes)
Healthy eating
Hyperactivity Issues
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Immune system boosting
Interview preparation
Marriage problems
ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)
Memory Building
Menstrual problems incl. pre-menstrual tension & dys/amenorrhoea
Morning sickness
Motion/travel sickness
Nail biting
Negative thinking
Pain (relief&management)
Panic attacks
Phantom limb pain
Post-natal depression
Post-operative healing
Premature ejaculation
Pre-menstrual Tension (PMT)
Pre-operative worries
Problem solving
Prosperity (not just financial)
PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder)
Public speaking Issues
Relationship problems
Releasing the past
Sales performance issues
Seasonal affective disorder
Self harm
Sensory development
Skin problems
Sleep related problems
Social anxieties
Speech impediments
Speed reading
Sports performance issues
Stage fright
Stress management
Studying (improvement)
Terminal illness (coping with)
Thumb sucking
Tooth grinding
Wedding related issues


*Required disclaimer: Results, symptoms and treatment may vary from person to person, all individual cases are taken on merit.

Links /Relaxation / Confidence and Self-Esteem / Weight Loss / Smoking Cessation / Phobias / Stress & Anxiety / IBS / Sleep Disorders / Depression / Habits & Addiction / Panic Attacks / Clinical Hypnosis / Home - Sheffield Hypnotherapist / Sitemap - U007/ Hypnotherapy Derby, Derbyshire

sheffield hypnotherapy


sheffield hypnotherapist
Fully Qualified Hypnotherapy & NLP, Sheffield S6,S7 07719 833 814 Links Reviews