I am fully qualified and registered.
I am also highly experienced as a therapist (I've helped over 700 people since 2008).
I have long believed that every person is a unique result of genetics
and environmental influence, neither of which we can significantly control,
and so are deserving of equal respect whatever our background or problems.
I believe that everyone wants to be well, and that any dysfunctional emotions
or behaviours are simply attempts to take care of ourselves in the only
way we know is available at the time. I think everyone can be given access
to the resources required to overcome their problems. I have an innate
ability to see, and to help people see, their strengths and possibilities
for growth, as well as an innate desire to care and help.
A brief history
I was born in Edinburgh in '68. I came to Sheffield to study and research
at Sheffield University (BSc and PhD '87-'93).
I trained on the NCH approved Acadamy of Advanced Changework course for hypnotherapists under Psychology Doctor/ex-Sheffield Hallam University lecturers Paul Peace and Karen Bartle.
This was one of the most comprehensive and highly regarded courses in the country. I am trained to treat all issues mentioned on this website.
I am a Sheffield based hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner.