Clinical Hypnosis, sheffield, U408

Clinical Hypnosis, Sheffield

Clinical Hypnotherapy can help with a huge range of medical conditions because the mind has a very powerful influence over our body and health.

Hypnotherapy can have an effect wherever there is a psychological influence on the condition:
- Mental approach can greatly influence the healing process
- Many medical conditions are exacerbated and even caused by psychological influences e.g. stress
Given this, pretty much all medical conditions have the potential to be helped and sometimes cured using hypnotherapy alone. I do, however, usually work in tandem with your GP. Please ring to discuss whether (and to what degree) I can help with your own particular condition.

Clinical Hypnosis, Sheffield

Mind over matter
Mind over matter is one thing but 'subconscious mind over matter' is another matter altogether.

Many years ago now whilst suffering with yet another cold I realised something very odd. I asked my friend how come in the 10 years I'd known him he'd NEVER had a single cold!?
His stunning answer still puts a smile on my face and was to open my mind to the mechanisms that make hypnotherapy so effective. He said:

"I don't believe in them."

Beautiful, simple and powerful. He'd chosen to believe that they were 'all in the mind' and so he stopped getting them altogether! I loved this idea so much that it became my belief and now I've stopped getting them too!

Clinical Hypnosis, Sheffield

Mind / Body balance
The mind really is that powerful but as it turns out it's the subconscious mind that truly governs our health and healing. The conscious mind generally attacks any such thoughts that might change the way we fundamentally think or behave. However, in the above case we both managed to slip this 'crazy idea' past the guard to where the powerful subconscious could make it happen for us. Hypnotherapy is the arena in which you can tell your subconscious to take control in a medical capacity.

There has recently been a huge increase in medical research into the effect our minds have over our health. It is now accepted that the psychological influence of e.g., depression and stress can cause a host of medical problems e.g., suppression of the immune system,stomach ulcers, ... If you scan the list above-opposite you'll quickly see that many of those conditions are already linked with stress.

Clinical Hypnosis, Sheffield

hypno-therapy for self esteem, Sheffield

- Clinical hypnotherapy has the potential to treat a whole host of medical conditions such as:
- Allergies see also Stress / Anxiety page
- Arthritis see also Pain page
- Asthma see also Stress / Anxiety page
- Bed-wetting see also Habit page
- Blushing see also Stress / Anxiety pagesee also Habit page
- Bruxism see also Stress / Anxiety pagesee also Habit page
- Burns (healing) see also Pain page
- Chronic Fatigue / ME
- Circulation see also Relaxation page
- Constipation see also IBS page
- Diarrhea see also IBS page
- Energy Levels see also Stress / Anxiety page
- Enuresis see also Habit page
- Fainting see also Stress / Anxiety page
- Fatigue see also Stress / Anxiety page
- Gagging, heaving see also Stress / Anxiety page
- Hay fever
- Headaches, cluster headaches see also Stress / Anxiety pagesee also Pain page
- Healing (faster healing processes)
- Hypertension see also Stress / Anxiety page
- IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) see also IBS page
- Immune system boosting see also Stress / Anxiety page
- Indigestion see also Stress / Anxiety page
- ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)
- Menstrual problems incl. pre-menstrual tension, dysmenorrhoea & amenorrhoea
- Migraine see also Stress / Anxiety pagesee also Pain page
- Morning sickness
- Motion/travel sickness
- Nausea see also Stress / Anxiety page
- Pain(relief&management) see also Pain page
- Post-operative healing see also Pain page
- Pre-menstrual Tension (PMT)
- Sensory development
- Skin problems see also Stress / Anxiety page
- Sweating see also Stress / Anxiety page
- Tinnitus
- Tooth grinding see also Stress / Anxiety page
- Warts

Hypnotherapy can also help you cope with a chronic condition or terminal ilness.

If your condition is not on the list just call on the number below to see how much I can help.

hypno-therapy for self esteem, Sheffield

Subconscious healing
The solution is simple:
When the mind is powerful enough to cause/exacerbate such medical conditions,
...then it's powerful enough to treat/cure such medical conditions.

In hypnosis I'll explore with you how to harness this power. Sometimes we can use deep visualisations of what we want to happen at a biological level in your body. Other times we can ask the subconscious in a general way and it 'just knows' what to do to heal you. Deep relaxation techniques and confidence boosting are usually very effective first steps too.

Please call me for any advice using the number below.

Clinical Hypnosis, Sheffield

hypnotherapy for self esteem, Sheffield

*Required disclaimer: Results, symptoms and treatment may vary from person to person, all individual cases are taken on merit.

Clinical hypnotherapy would most likely involve:

Learning to relax deeply
Staying in calm control of everyday life, is generally the first step as it is a very effective tool with most conditions. When we know we can remain relaxed and calm we build a sense of effectiveness and a confidence in our ability to manage our own emotions and thoughts without stress.

Using hypnotic suggestions
for building confidence
In a state of deep hypnotic relaxation clients are given powerful suggestions for feeling more confident, more in control and more effective in their lives. This enables the client to cope better with their existing symptoms, but also boosts them to be able to achieve the changes they desire.

Physiological understanding
By increasing, as much as possible, the client's understanding of where their symptoms come from we can generate visualisations aimed at healing. Also, we can often lessen the impact of the symptoms just from understanding alone, e.g., with panic attacks or blushing.

Anatomical and abstract visualisations
By visualising (in hypnosis) the physiological changes required to eradicate your problem, the subconscious learns what it is that it must do to heal you. It may then just orchestrate these changes as requested. Some people like abstract visualisations e.g. their own miniature army fighting the infection's motley crew. Others like to visualise the true anatomical picture their GP or consultant has given them e.g., blood flow, nerves, tendons, vertebrae etc,... undergoing the necessary changes.

Post Hypnotic Suggestion
For some conditions, especially where there is no known physiological cause, powerful suggestions can be made that the condition will improve without knowing how the subconscious does it. e.g., a Chronic Fatigue sufferer's energy levels may increase purely from suggestions that they will.

hypnotherapy for self esteem, Sheffield

Treatment Length
Treatment length varies greatly depending on the condition and your own specific circumstances. Please call for more details.

hypnotherapy for self esteem

Hypnotherapy and mind / body balance
clinical hypnosis
medical conditions
Fully Qualified Hypnotherapy & NLP, Sheffield S6,S7, South Yorkshire. 07719 833 814